Monday, November 19, 2007


Standing on the Precipice
I teeter
My head floating up
I catch my footing
As red pebbles slip
Sailing down, down
Like a dream
To the bottom
From which I climbed

I feel drawn into the canyon
My body dizzy and weak
I want to relax and fall
With the pebbles
It’s easier than pulling away
Fighting the cold zing of wind
Drying the sweat on my spine
And calling me below

Hair whipping my face
I look up to see streams of light
Piercing clouds heavy with liquid
Grey and blue against an orange sky
It’s been a long day climbing since dawn

I breathe cold air into my lungs
Muscles aching, I could not have climbed anymore
Could not fight the rocky canyon
I look horrified at the depths from which I came

Suddenly, a steady wind blows up
A warm breath washing over me
Sustaining wind
I know I will not fall.

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